Submit Discussion

Here you may submit new Discussions. In order for them to be approved, you need to follow the following format:

The title of the Discussion must either be a question, or your Hypothesis.

You must include next to the title inside the parenthesis, the nature of the discussion: (Scientific), (Philosophical), (Scientific & Philosophical)

The content must have the following 3 sections:

  1. Introduction: You present your Hypothesis through an introduction of the topic and explain logically why you have this Hypothesis.
  2. Argumentation: You back up your Introduction through sourced arguments and/or references, which must be listed in the next section(in the case of a scientific discussion, or scientific & philosophical one). In case of a purely philosophical discussion, you must explain your assumptions.
  3. Sources: Just a list of links, or a detailed specification of where the information was taken from (ONLY IN CASE THIS SOURCE ISN’T TO BE FOUND ONLINE).

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